Which do you want:
To speak English?
Or pass another test?
If you’re like my students, you need English to get things and go places and meet people.
For you, English is a tool.
And you need this tool for a better life.
Sadly, most teachers and schools teach a method that takes you further away from this goal.
Their method is called “perfection.”
Teaching perfection is a mistake for several reasons:
The Power Word Method
The Power Word Method has three goals:
Goal #1: To Understand: Native speakers, accents, television…
Goal #2: To Be Understood: You want to get the thoughts in your head out of your mouth in a simple, easy way…
Goal #3: And you want to get you there ASAP* and WITHOUT spending many boring hours studying
The Power Words Method works because you focus on the words native speakers use in every conversation.
Because if native speakers don’t use the words in your English text book, why should you learn them?
Doesn’t that make sense?
To get started with this method click, give me your email address and I’ll send you lessons, a checklist and tips for learning faster.
The History of the Power Words
When Dr. Zipf was studying linguistics in the 1930s, he accidentally discovered a strange secret.
Native speakers have favorite words.
That means, when they talk, they don’t use all the words they know.
They don’t even use half!
“Zip’s Law is like your favorite pair of jeans,” says English vocabulary teacher, Mr. Vig.
“You may have ten or twenty pair of pants in your closet, but there’s one pair that’s your favorite — you wear that pair all the time. Well, it’s the same with words. Native speakers, like me, have our favorite words. And we use them all the time.”
But exactly which words do native speakers use in every conversation?
For almost eighty years after Dr. Zipf died, we never had a good answer because we didn’t have the necessary technology.
In 2013, university researchers in Tokyo began the most complete study of the English language in history.
They started by collecting “real English” words: the words native speakers are actually using when they speak.
They collected:
11 million words from television
28 million words from radio
27 million words from conversations
Next, they entered these words into a powerful computer.
The computer’s job was to find the most popular words — the words native speaker use the most.
And what they discovered surprised everyone…
Native speakers use less than 0.5% of the English language!
It’s like they’re walking around with their own secret dictionary.
That means, when you master these few words, you can understand and speak to anyone.
But first, you have to find them…
The Dirty Truth About The English Language Industry
Why have you never heard of these words?
Because English is big business!
1.5 billion students around the world are learning English.
And those students spend $35.9 billion a year on classes, text books, apps, etc.
With that much money involved, you have to ask, What’s their real motivation?
Is it to get students fluent fast?
And lose a customer?
Or is it to create permanent students?
And keep you as a customer for years and years…
That, more than anything else, explains why you’ve never heard of the Power Words.
The Power Words save students time and lose the English language industry money!
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